Pendleton Pet Fair

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Get Involved

Not everyone wants to get involved in the same way. There are  different ways to contribute to the cause and participate in the Pendleton Pet Fair:

Sponsor the Event

If you have funds to contribute to the pet fair and would like to sponsor the event, I can certainly advertise your business at the event in return.  I am looking for related businesses (i.e. pet grooming, pet supplies, even pet owners!), but non-related are still welcome to sponsor!  Not much money is required to get the pet fair rolling but I do need the funds to reserve Falls Park and get booth supplies.  Any amount of sponsorship is appreciated!

  • I have now added a separate page for potential sponsors!  Let me know if you can help with the cost of the Pendleton Pet Fair.

Make a Donation

If you cannot attend the event, you may contact me if you are interested in donating to the cause (ending puppy mills, pet adoption, prevention of cruelty to animals).  You can also donate through the websites on the "Links" page.  If you can make it to the pet fair, you may donate there instead (or in addition)!

Attend the Pet Fair

Join me at the Pendleton Pet Fair!  Bring a four-legged friend (a friendly one that plays well with others please)!  There will be plenty of treats and games with which dogs may be entertained.  If you know for sure you are going to attend or if you really, really want to, let me know!  You can even give me ideas for booths you would like to see.  Of course, you may show up even if you don't say you are attending.  Plan on an informative, entertaining, fun-filled spring day with man's best friend (and woman's, in my opinion).  I hope to see you there!

Set up a Booth

If you would like to actively join me in creating this event and have a pet related business or service that you are interested in promoting, please contact me!  I would like to have AT LEAST ten booths but hope for many more.  Boarding, grooming, pet supplies, carpet cleaning, pet adoption, caring for animals, pet treats, and pet toys are all appropriate booth ideas but there are so many more.

Contact Aubrey Sparling to learn more about the Pendleton Pet Fair