About Me
My name is Aubrey Sparling and I am currently a senior at Pendleton Heights High School.
Organizing this event is a critical step to defend the dogs of puppy mills and end the cruelty.
Since my freshman year speech class when I gave a persuasive speech promoting canine adoption,
I have been passionate about the growing issue. Pet stores as near as a fifteen minute drive from
quaint Pendleton, Indiana, get their "merchandise" from mass breeding facilities known as puppy mills. Puppies from
the mills are the lucky ones because they may escape the disgusting and horrible conditions. The "breeding stock", the
mother and father of the adorable doggie in the window, are left to be bred in filthy cages until they die from an untreated
illness, malnutrition, or exhaustion.
Me (Aubrey Sparling)
My entire family is supportive of the cause to stop puppy mills. We adopt or rescue all of our animals and our
house somewhat resembles a zoo. Adoption and rescue can be as simple as taking a free puppy or kitten from the box in
someone's front yard or putting out a bowl of food for the neighborhood stray. I have worked in a veterinary office
and have seen the illnesses and genetic disorders that pet owners must face with many new puppies from pet stores.
The issues range from an extra digit on the paw to parvovirus that kills the already pricely pet.
I recently wrote an essay on one of my experiences and of some facts that relate to the cause. If you would like
to read my essay, check out the More Info page.